Sharjah Police has launched a groundbreaking remote vehicle testing service, making it the first of its kind in the UAE. Starting January 8, 2025, motorists in Sharjah can now test their vehicles without visiting a testing center, thanks to this smart service available on the Rafid app.
According to Gulf Today, Colonel Khalid Mohammed Al Kai, Director of the Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department at Sharjah Police, shared the details during a phone call to the “Direct Line” programme. He explained that private vehicle owners in Sharjah can use the service if their cars are less than eight years old and their last registration was no more than 18 months ago.
The process is simple. Users can follow the instructions provided on the app, and the test report will be ready within 24 hours, enabling them to proceed with the vehicle renewal process seamlessly.
This innovative service aims to simplify vehicle testing and add convenience for Sharjah residents, marking a significant step in the emirate’s digital transformation efforts.
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